What is the strong point of NH Korindo for bond issuance in Indonesia?
NH Korindo Sekuritas Indonesia has a wide range of knowledge on bond-issuance with bond specialists in research, IB and bond teams. The most important thing for issuing corporate bond is its coupon and stability on the company. With this reason, most of investors check the credit rating but it can’t make investors interested in since most of companies in Indonesia have no great rating and financial statement except for LQ45 stocks.
For those companies who have no good rating and financial statement, NH Korindo Sekuritas Indonesia can provide right service customized by cooperating with each team including research, IB and bond team to make a reasonable logic to persuade investors to be interested in.
How NH Korindo can provide the service mentioned above?
When Investors invest in products, they review not only the company but also its industry and market as well. Company rating from believable organization will be important but its potential to grow up and future cash-flow can be more important since it is related to payment of coupon and its principal.
NH Korindo Sekuritas Indonesia is good at reviewing it all and find points to make synergies. This kind of knowledge can help clients to issue a bond and find its investors.