Coal Average Selling Price Increase

BBRI’s strategy is to increase the allocation of provision, anticipating the discontinuance of the OJK Restructuring Relaxation which will end in March 2023. The Company increased its NPL Coverage 1H22 to 265.15% (Vs. 1H21 258.41%); and LAR Coverage 1H22 42.39% (Vs. 1H21 30.96%). Meanwhile, 1H22 Gross NPL 3.32% (Vs. 1H21 3.27%) or NHKSI Research projects that BBRI will be able to maintain a maximum Gross NPL level of 3% FY22, amid the Company’s focus on High Yield Loan in the MSME segment which has a relatively high risk

Asset Growth

BBRI’s strategy is to increase the allocation of provision, anticipating the discontinuance of the OJK Restructuring Relaxation which will end in March 2023.

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