JCI Bucked Up In Washington, October 11, 2019, was a smaller truce agreed, leaving China to purchase USD40 billion to USD50 billion worth of US agricultural products, enforcing protections for both economies’ intellectual property rights, leveraging market access, pausing a tariff hike planned for Oct.15, when USD250 billion worth of Chinese goods would have been subject to a 30% tax, hiking from 25%. The little truce, an interim pause in trade tensions, left stock markets rebounding, as JCI’s two-day gains in the early days of last week. For another two-mid day, Sept. trade deficit of USD160 million, with imports of USD14.2 billion outweighing exports of USD14.1 billion failed to be a drag on JCI’s advance moves to the green zone. On Thursday’s trading intraday of Oct. 17, JCI received foreign inflows of IDR208 billion after three-day foreign outflows. JCI, as did most of Asia markets bucked up on Friday’s trading intraday. |
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