Wall Street stocks closed higher after Russia promised to reduce military operations around Kyiv and northern Ukraine, while Ukraine adopted a neutral status. The Dow Jones closed up 338 points, or 0.97% higher, while S&P 500 and Nasdaq went up 1.23% and 1.84%, respectively. Market participants are keeping a close watch on the aggressiveness of the Fed’s monetary policy, which may lead to a recession. Yesterday, yield inversion occurred in US Treasury (UST) UST2Y and UST10Y, after previously occurring in UST5Y and UST30Y.
JCI recorded a new all-time high at 7,072, before finally falling by 0.54% to a level of 7,011. Yesterday, the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine became a positive sentiment for the JCI. However, the lockdown in China has again raised fears of an economic slowdown, causing the prices of a number of commodities to be suppressed due to the threat to demand and consumption. NHKSI Research projects that the JCI will move upward in the range of 7,000-7,100.
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