JCI Ebbed
Wuhan’s outbreak of corona virus throw China into disarray and infect the worldwide economies with relentless fears of the pandemic heavy blow to the world’s second-largest economy.
The infectious pandemic ebbed global equity markets, including JCI which was low from immune to the deadly coronavirus and tumbled in the early last week. Following better resistance to
“infectious market malasie” over the virus, JCI was a bit recovery to pace to the green zone in the middle of last week as the Investment Coordination Board (BKPM) to display 4Q19’s
burgeoning PMA was a booster for ailing JCI. Aside from the domestic backdrop, the Fed decided to remain patiently holding its rates unchanged after a two-day FOMC meeting of Jan. 28-
29, 2020; the Fed’s stance was underlined by the optimistic tone about the US’s stable economic growth and more certain policies on trading. IDX to post January’s 2020 sharp tumble in
trading transactions compared to January 2019 transactions left JCI bearish on Friday of Jan 31.
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