1Q18’s Moderate Performance
UNVR posted the decline of 0.9% in sales from IDR10.84 trillion in 1Q17 into IDR10.74 trillion in 1Q18. The food and refreshment division—contributing 32% to the overall sales—also posted the decline of 1.2% in sales from IDR3.51 trillion in 1Q17 to IDR3.47 trillion in 1Q18. Meanwhile the Home and Personal Care (HPC) division—contributing 68% to the overall sales—also posted the decrease of 0.8% in sales from IDR7.33 trillion in 1Q17 to IDR7.27 trillion in 1Q18.
Plain Retail Sales
UNVR’s 1Q18 moderate performance was intertwined by Indonesia-based retail sales figures denoting consumers’ plain spending.
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