Boosted Growth
JSKY is an experienced solar module manufacturing company from 2008 with diversified exports to various countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Finland, Germany, and others. JSKY plans to continue to grow by releasing new products in the renewable energy sector. In 2018A, JSKY managed to record total sales of IDR424 billion (+1,92% YoY), and in 1H19 this company was able to achieve IDR234 billion (+4,9% YoY), this performance proved that JSKY continued to boost revenue growth. Currently, Solar Panel and Battery sales contribute most dominantly with contributions of 20,6% and 47,2%, respectively.
Organic Expansion with Environmental Benefits
JSKY currently has 200MW solar panels and 100MW solar cells. As demands increase, JSKY plans to increase the capacity of solar panels and solar cells in 2020 to 300MW and 200MW, respectively. The PLTS project in Karampuang JSKY is working on has already been completed. Its organic expansion of JSKY has a positive impact on its business and environment.
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