The result of the additional auction (green shoe option) for SUN yesterday, the government won FR0083 worth IDR 2.1 trillion (BTC 1.7x) or the highest in value among other series in the range of IDR 157 billion to IDR 1.9 trillion. Meanwhile, the total won by the government in the green shoe option for Government Securities (SUN) is valued at IDR 5.7 trillion, from incoming bids worth a total of IDR 9.1 trillion. In more detail, if it is combined with the main SUN auction the day before, the total won by the government is IDR 29.9 trillion. The FR0083’s weighted average yield fell by up to 16 bps from the previous auction, making the government win many of the 20-year benchmark series. From the external side, the improvement in incoming and nominal offers was won by the government, in line with the decline in yield on the 10-year UST tenor in the past week.
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