Coal Average Selling Price Increase As of 9M23, TOWR posted a 7.6% YoY and 1.1% QoQ increase in revenue to IDR 8.72T (9M22: IDR 8.11T, 2Q23: IDR 2.91T & 3Q23: IDR 2.94T). EBITDA increased +6.5% YoY and +1.1% QoQ to IDR 7.42T (9M22: IDR 6.97T, 2Q23: IDR 2.47T & 3Q23: IDR 2.50T). The Net profit in this period still contracted due to interest expenses, declining to IDR 2.42T in 9M23 (9M22: IDR 2.56T, -5.2% YoY and 2Q23: IDR 807B & 3Q23: IDR 866B, +7.4% QoQ). The interesting thing now to watch from TOWR is the transition of TOWR, which was initially dominantly focused on tower leasing, now TOWR is also focusing more on diversifying its business into the fiber optic business, both FTTT (Fiber to The Tower) and FTTH (Fiber to The Home). Asset Growth As of 9M23, TOWR posted a 7.6% YoY and 1.1% QoQ increase in revenue to IDR 8.72T (9M22: IDR 8.11T, 2Q23: IDR 2.91T & 3Q23: IDR 2.94T). EBITDA increased +6.5% YoY and +1.1% QoQ to IDR 7.42T (9M22: IDR 6.97T, 2Q23: IDR 2.47T & 3Q23: IDR 2.50T). |
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